The Selfie Stick Bit is a Bit which takes the underlying technology of a selfie stick and repurposes it for littleBits.

This is a prototype of a wearable radiation sensor that electrocutes you when there is radiation nearby.

Prototype of a robotic walker.

This is one of the modes of the robotic walker, where it can serve as an assistant or monitor a patient's activity in a medical context.

Trypod is designed to help teachers document project-based learning in the classroom.

Model of a surveillance camera.

This is a procedurally generated vase that I developed during an internship at 3D Systems in San Francisco.

This is a modular furniture system I designed that takes advantage of the structural qualities of a thermoplastic fiber composite.
This is a custom musical instrument. The butterfly joint mechanism allows the ash members to make a very pleasant clang when they hit each other.
Radiation Wearable Engineering:
Munehiko Sato
Walker team:
Barbara Yang
Karthik Desingh
Butterfly instrument team:
Jonathan Hsiung
Folding table team:
Alisha Naru
Mark Edwards